Книги автора:
49.66 $
Одно из немногих шахматных обучающих видео на русском языке! В фильме представлены уроки международных гроссмейстеров - Игоря Зайцева и Евгения Свешникова. Все уроки сопровождаются интерактивными изображениями шахматных досок. Всемирная шахматная видеоэнциклопедия – это уникальный видеосериал, ставящий задачу объединить и глубоко осмыслить сокровищницу шахматных знаний, накопленных человечеством, через творчество великих и выдающихся мастеров шахматного искусства. Первый раздел составляют 4-х часовые выпуски по актуальным вопросам шахматной философии, теории дебютов, шахматной стратегии, тактики, психологии и т.д. Весь огромный материал строится на базе опыта, накопленного шахматной школой Анатолия Карпова в течении 10 лет ее работы. Школа уникальна уже по плодам своим : десятки молодых людей, прошедших курс школы, стали международными мастерами и гроссмейстерами, чемпионами мира и Европы в различных возрастных категориях. Феномен школы очень точно определил сам Анатолий Карпов. Вот его слова, которые используются в качестве эпиграфа в начале каждого выпуска сериала «Шахматная школа Анатолия Карпова» : я начал играть в шахматы в 4 года. Чемпионом мира стал через 19 лет. Со всей ответственностью могу сказать, что мой путь на шахматный Эверест был бы значительно короче, если бы с самого начала у меня были такие наставники, которые сегодня в нашей школе. Содержание: 1. Вступительное слово. 2. Как составить дебютный репертуар по системе Свешникова. 3. Важнейшие элементы шахматной стратегии: Атака в сильном пункте. Атака возмездия (И. Зайцев).
23.33 $
A new book (in two volumes) the famous theorist Yevgeny Sveshnikov wrote in collaboration with international master Vladimir Sveshnikov. The book offers an economical and practical repertoire for fast chess and blitz. The authors have sharply narrowed the circle of their debuts, so that readers can learn the options as deeply as possible and can force their opponents to solve specific problems from the first moves. In the second volume, the debut repertoire is proposed for whites after the most aggressive move - 1.e4! The authors analyze in detail four main Black answers - 1 ... e5, 1 ... c5, 1 ... e6 and 1 ... c6. The principle of choosing the debut variants is exactly the same as in the first volume: to sharply cut down on the opponent the choice of possible extensions, and to study his "own" lines very deeply. That is why, for example, among all open debuts, the authors chose the Viennese party: it comparatively rarely occurs in practice and at the same time requires black specific knowledge. The book is addressed to chess lovers, but it will be interesting for professionals, there are many original analyzes and novelties in it.
20.15 $
The new book of the famous theorist Yevgeny Sveshnikov is devoted to the course of 2.f4 in the Sicilian defense. According to the grandmaster, who has been studying this system for about 40 years and applied more than 100 times, she repeatedly rescued him in important fights with strong rivals when he needed only victory. The progress of 2.f4 is not very popular now, and therefore - there is a wide scope for the debut creativity. Meanwhile, this plan creates serious problems for Black; They must act fairly energetically and accurately in order not to fall into the worst position. The author relies mainly on his parties, because he willingly played this system for both colors. A number of important fights for the first time are published for the first time: at one time Yevgeny Sveshnikov did not allow them to get into public computer bases. Most of the detailed commentaries are given in their entirety to show the inextricable link between the opening and the middlegame and even the endgame.
20.15 $
A new book by the famous theorist Yevgeny Sveshnikov "Sicilian Defense. Picnic on the sidelines "is devoted to a closed version of the Sicilian defense and other deviations of the whites from the" main roads "(and the grandmaster counts the systems 1.e4 c5 2.Kf3 Kc6 3.d4 and 1.e4 c5 2.Kf3 Kc6 3.Cb5). First of all, based on his own experience, the author shows how Black achieves a full game after such moves as 2.a3, 2.Ka3, 2.b3, 2.b4, 2.c3, 2.c4, 2.Kc3, 2 .d4, 2.Ke2, 2.f4, 2.g3. Much attention is paid to the popular tabi arising after 1.e4 c5 2.Kf3 Kc6 3.Kc3 e5. As usual, E. Sveshnikov relies mainly on his own parties. A number of important fights for the first time are published for the first time: in due time the grandmaster did not allow them to get into the public computer bases. Most of the detailed commentaries are given in their entirety, in order to show the inextricable link between the opening and the middlegame and even the endgame. -
20.04 $
The author of 2 TT is the best expert in the world 2.c3 system, which he experienced in tournament practice more than 600 times over 40 years. All theoretically important games selected for the book are commented in detail, and the author explains not only specific opening options, but also typical tricks of the game in the middlegame and even in the endgame. Many of the above parties have not been published before. Also given are positions for an independent solution.
17.27 $
The author, a well-known grandmaster and theorist, is the world's best expert on system 2. c3 in the Sicilian defense. E. Sveshnikov considers this system, which he experienced in tournament practice more than 600 (!) Times over the past 40 years, “ingenious in his practicality”. All theoretically important games selected for the book were commented on in detail, and the author explains not only specific opening variations, but also typical techniques of playing the middle game and even the endgame. Many of the games mentioned have never been published, for example, matches from the closed training match Kasparov - Sveshnikov. Also provides positions for self-decision. For a wide range of chess lovers
The best connoisseur of this system reveals its secrets. In fact, there are even two systems: 1.e4 c5 2.Kf3 Kc6 3.d4 cd 4.Kd4 e5 and 1.e4 c5 2.c3.
- Chess computer - Grandmaster EXCALIBUR. Big convenient professional board. 5 cm cage! 750.00 $
- Soviet chess "Simza" 60.00 $
A training manual from the famous trainer A.V. Getmanchuk. Set of 5 books.
Getmanchuk 59.40 $ -
Not for long. Romantic novel
Amannazarov 4.00 $ - Wooden chess pieces with weighting Staunton 5 with a wooden board. 117.00 $
- Wooden chess pieces with weighting RCR Terry Nr. 535 Boxwood/Rosewood (Germany) 400.00 $
- Chess clock Garde - ART P-11 200.00 $
Concert for violin and orchestra
Dashkevich 18.42 $ - Wooden chess pieces with weighting Staunton 6 with wooden board 48 cm 123.75 $
Defense of the Caro-Cannes. Classical system
Karpov 18.50 $