Debut repertoire for blitz. Volume 2. White repertoire
- ISBN: 978-5-906254-28-3
- Publisher: Andrew Elkow
- Author(s): Sveshnikov
- Language: Russian
- Size: Normal
- Volume: 328
- Binding: Solid
- DateOfIssue: 2016
paper book
23.33 $
A new book (in two volumes) the famous theorist Yevgeny Sveshnikov wrote in collaboration with international master Vladimir Sveshnikov. The book offers an economical and practical repertoire for fast chess and blitz. The authors have sharply narrowed the circle of their debuts, so that readers can learn the options as deeply as possible and can force their opponents to solve specific problems from the first moves. In the second volume, the debut repertoire is proposed for whites after the most aggressive move - 1.e4! The authors analyze in detail four main Black answers - 1 ... e5, 1 ... c5, 1 ... e6 and 1 ... c6. The principle of choosing the debut variants is exactly the same as in the first volume: to sharply cut down on the opponent the choice of possible extensions, and to study his "own" lines very deeply. That is why, for example, among all open debuts, the authors chose the Viennese party: it comparatively rarely occurs in practice and at the same time requires black specific knowledge. The book is addressed to chess lovers, but it will be interesting for professionals, there are many original analyzes and novelties in it.
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