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    The corpus of this textbook includes two significant works by the world chess champion, scientist and prominent teacher Max Euwe — "Self‑help chess game", created in collaboration with G. Den-Hertog, and "Chess Lessons". The first work is designed for beginners, the second for more experienced chess players. The book is a real chess tutorial in the true sense of the word. This is expressed not only in the appropriate distribution of the material and the method of presentation, designed to awaken the initiative of the student, but also in numerous practical exercises offered to the reader after explaining each new concept or technique.The textbook primarily attracts the methodology of presentation of the material, the principles of which will be useful for coaches and teachers of chess sections and circles. For a wide range of chess fans.

    25.00 $
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    50.00 $
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    The 2nd edition, revised and supplemented, of the popular monograph, which is dedicated to one of the most combat modern debuts – the Old Indian defense. The author meticulously builds the entire defensive line of black (including on the territory of "adjacent" openings, such as the English beginning or the London system), explains standard plans and tactical techniques, offers a number of novelties in current schemes. Carefully selected positions for the solution will help the reader to consolidate the acquired knowledge. The book is addressed to chess players of any level, since the laws of Old Indian are the same for both amateurs and super grandmasters.

    21.67 $
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    21.67 $
  • Made in Holland. Chess computer "Centaur" easy to use. You can easily install any language. Using the touch panel  40x40 cm (cell size 48 x 48 mm) you can easily move the figures. The sensors will record strokes. The board has a capacious rechargeable internal battery. The uniqueness of the computer is that it quickly adapts to  your playing strength (from beginner to grandmaster) so that you have the right opponent. Centaur will help you analyze the game so as not to make the same mistakes and improve your chess skill. Please note, computer is not compatible to connect to your PC or online chess. The set includes USB cable and DGT electronic chess pieces . Height of the king is 86mm.  

    1333.30 $
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    This tutorial is addressed to those who want to learn to play chess on their own and improve further. The lesson-based method of presentation, as well as numerous exercises, contribute to the consistent assimilation of the rules and laws that form the basis of the chess game. The book contains extensive educational material, which is presented to the reader in accordance with modern pedagogical principles. The purpose of this manual is to train chess players of the III category (rating up to 1800). The textbook can also be used for classes in groups - it covers the material of existing programs of the first year of study in children's and youth chess schools.

    23.33 $
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    Like other titles in the Training Program for Chess Players series, this volume is both an excellent textbook for independent study and a powerful training aid for chess coaches. In the view of many experts, no better work of this kind has ever been written. coach and Master of Sport. Golenishchev's programs are still considered. critically important and are successfully employed in chess schools. His teaching methods remain popular in Russia and around the world. Supervised by Editor-in-Chief and former Karpov, this new edition of Golenishchev's classic work is updated to include important games from the recent high-level chess competitions, reflecting modern approaches to the game. OPENING Fragment 1 OPENING Fragment 2

    30.00 $
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    The answer book of an international grandmaster and an experienced coach (among whose students is A. Grischuk) Bloch's Maxim contains over 1200 combinations from practical games and specially compiled examples. All tasks are characterized by intense struggle, in which the goal is achieved by single moves. The book is intended for both young and adult amateurs, and for masters. The arrangement of examples by topic allows you to use the book not only as a task book, but also as a textbook. Of particular interest are over two hundred specially compiled by the author overstressed positions in which white wins the only way during the course of white, and black wins during the course of black. These examples, as well as over 50 fragments from the parties of the author and his students, are published for the first time.

    21.67 $
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    The book by grandmaster and experienced coach Alexander Galkin is  the final link in a series of publications by the author, directed  to study the classical endgame using examples of modern games   grandmasters. This time the subject of the study – light piece endgames. Clarification of the methodology for working on this stage of the game, as well as the main features and methods of playing such endings. Examples  taken from the practice of modern grandmasters and dated back to 2020-2023. The author offers the reader the most recent and unique information. The material is structured in such a way that the reader can get the maximum  benefit from studying the examples offered by the author  queen endings and its  other derivatives. The book is aimed at advanced chess players, is useful for coaches and can be recommended to a wide range of chess fans

    18.33 $
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Books 1991-2023

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    A collection of games from one of the largest tournaments of our time (1-2. Karpov and Spassky, 3. Timman, 4. Lyuboevich, 5. Tal, etc.). A lot of detailed comments, high printing level, color photos.

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    20.69 $


    One of the most legendary tournaments in the history of chess. Constellation of names: first place & mdash; E. Bogolyubov, second & mdash; Em. Lasker, third & mdash; J.R. Capablanca! And also: F. Marshall, R. Reti, A. Rubinstein, R. Shpilman and many others. During the tournament, film director V. Pudovkin shot the famous feature film Chess Fever, in which world champion Jose Raul Capablanca played himself. All games of the First Moscow with comments from the winner of the tournament. For a wide range of chess lovers.

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    33.33 $


    All games of the I Moscow International tournament with comments. The tournament brought together a very strong composition, played Kapablanka, Lasker, Rubinstein, Bogolyubov, many famous grandmasters and all the leading Soviet chess players.

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    19.34 $


    Detailed and deep comments of the trainers of the participants.

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    5.87 $


    Transcript of a public lecture given at the Central Lecture Hall of the Society in Moscow.

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    57.58 $


    To participate in the match-tournament in 1941, the winners of the XII USSR Championship were invited: I. Bondarevsky, A. Lilienthal, V. Smyslov, P. Keres, I. Boleslavsky and M. Botvinnik. After the participants of the match-tournament became known, the tournament program was determined. Each had to play four games with each one & mdash; actually a small match. Thus, the match tournament consisted of four laps. Mikhail Moiseevich said that this book & mdash; the best that he did in the field of chess analysis. Meanwhile, it was created in the most difficult conditions: during the war, in evacuation. The family of a chess player of 6 people lived in the room, and every day, coming from work, he worked on a table made of suitcases, believing that in this way he retains his analytical power for future accomplishments. M.M. often said that the real science according to & laquo; Parkinson's Law & raquo; done in the barn, but as soon as the doorman appears in the livery at the main entrance, science ends. Apparently, this also applies to literary and chess work.

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    20.15 $


    Для участия в матч-турнире 1941 г. были приглашены призеры XII чемпионата СССР: И. Бондаревский, А. Лилиенталь, В. Смыслов, П. Керес, И. Болеславский и М. Ботвинник. После того, как участники матч-турнира стали известны, была определена и турнирная программа. Каждый с каждым должен был сыграть четыре партии — фактически по небольшому матчу. Таким образом, матч-турнир состоял из четырех кругов. Михаил Моисеевич говорил, что эта книга — лучшее, что сделано им в области шахматного анализа. Между тем, она создавалась в труднейших условиях: во время войны, в эвакуации. В комнате жила семья шахматиста из 6 человек, и ежедневно, приходя с работы, на столе, составленном из чемоданов, он трудился, полагая, что таким образом сохраняет свою аналитическую силу для грядущих свершений. М.М. часто говорил, что настоящая наука согласно «Закону Паркинсона» делается в сарае, а как только появляется швейцар в ливрее у парадного входа, наука заканчивается. Видимо, это касается и литературно-шахматного труда. Другой эпизод, связанный с книгой, относится к 1970 году. А.А.Быховский (в то время старший тренер молодежной сборной СССР) привел к Ботвиннику Александра Белявского. Потом М. М. говорил, что Белявского ему показали слишком поздно. Что значит поздно, переспросили его? «17 лет — поздно, шахматист уже сформирован», — ответил Михаил Моисеевич. Юноша понравился, и Ботвинник дал ему эту книгу для тщательного изучения. Через несколько месяцев она была возвращена со словами: «Хотел найти хотя бы одну ошибку в анализе, но не нашел!» Первому изданию уже 60 лет. Второе выходило в 1951 году! Тираж нового небольшой — 1700 экз. Кроме того, 200 экз. выпущены в эксклюзивном виде: с золотым обрезом и именными, выполненными шелкографией.

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    41.38 $


    Collection of games of the match half a century ago. Half of the games of the match was commented by M. Botvinnik, the rest by well-known grandmasters E.Sveshnikov, S.Flor, A.Lilienthal and others.

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    10.37 $


    A collection of all 24 games of the match with detailed comments.

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    11.75 $


    All match games with detailed notes of the winner.

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    12.10 $


    The book details all 43 games played by A. Karpov in three matches of the candidates (with Polugaevsky, Spassky and Korchnoi), which led him to the title of world champion in 1975. April 24, 1975 Anatoly Karpov was awarded a laurel wreath of the world champion in chess. The chess crown returned to the Soviet Union again. Of course, it is interesting for Soviet chess players to become more familiar with the work of the young grandmaster. In the new book of the first Soviet world chess champion M. Botvinnik, all 43 games played by Anatoly Karpov in the three matches of the contenders are commented on, which led the young chess grandmaster to the chess Olympus.