Russian CHESS House
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7.60 $
Purpose of the book & mdash; to teach chess lovers opening combinations and traps. How to play at the beginning of the game? What should be done so as not to fall into the traps, and how to learn how to arrange them yourself? You will find the answers in this wonderful book. The author, the famous chess writer and coach, introduces the reader in a fascinating way to his collection of typical opening combinations and traps, which he has collected over many years. This edition combines both of the previous ones (including illustrations).
For a wide range of chess lovers.
33.11 $
& nbsp; This compilation includes 868 tasks: 849 authors (12 of them are co-authored, plus 4 versions) and 19 tasks by different authors (3 of them are in notation) for the section “la” Articles, notes & hellip; & raquo; The tasks are commented on in detail, and for a clearer understanding of the chess composition, the collection includes a section on the “Glossary of Terms”. In the & laquo; Articles, Notes & hellip; & raquo; The author offers a number of interesting ideas for the small genre, some of them have already been adopted by other problemists and are recorded in judicial reports.
The collection is designed for a wide range of chess and chess lovers.
matte composition.Circulation: 100 copies.
62.06 $
Ежемесячный журналъ, посвященный шахматной игре и ея литературе. Издаваемый М. Чигоринымъ 1876-1877. С.-Петербургъ. Типография В.О. Демакова.
Великий русский шахматист, основоположник отечественной шахматной школы Михаил Иванович Чигорин в течение десяти лет издавал великолепные журналы "Шахматный листок" (1876-1881) и "Шахматный вестник" (1885-1887). Он был там основным, а порой - и единственным автором. Излишне говорить, что эти ярчайшие образцы русской шахматной мысли давным-давно стали практически недоступны современному читателю. Благодаря этому труду появляется возможность познакомиться с нашим бесценным шахматным, историческим и литературным наследием.
"Приятно отметить, что роскошное, элитное исполнение данного четырехтомного издания не имеет аналогов в мировой шахматной литературе", - пишет в "Слове к читателю" многократный чемпион мира Анатолий Карпов.
Первый том включает в себя два года: 1876-1877.СЛОВО К ЧИТАТЕЛЮ«Чигорин – основоположник отечественной шахматной школы, выдающийся теоретик, претендент на мировую корону». Как часто нам приходилось читать и слышать эти слова, которые от частого употребления затерлись, стали казаться пустой банальностью. Между тем, Михаил Иванович Чигорин (1850 – 1908) был действительно ярчайшей творческой личностью. Азартный, увлекающий человек, он ради поиска шахматной истины, разгадки тайн замысловатой дебютной либо внешне простой эндшпильной позиции не жалел сил и времени. В те далекие годы универсальность еще не стала «жизненной необходимостью» в шахматах, а потому каждый крупный мастер обладал четко выраженным индивидуальным стилем, со своими достоинствами и недостатками. Русский чемпион верил в динамический потенциал фигур, стремился к открытой фигурной игре, охотно жертвовал материал за инициативу. Его могучий оппонент Вильгельм Стейниц превыше всего ставил незыблемые позиционные ценности: надежность пешечной структуры, преобладание в центре, перевес в пространстве. Чигорин и Стейниц сыграли два матча на первенство мира, множество турнирных и легких партий, но их принципиальный спор велся не только за шахматной доской. Полемически острые, бескомпромиссные дискуссии этих титанов и их последователей украшали страницы газет и журналов тех лет.
Чигорин страстно любил шахматы, и его угнетало отсутствие общественного интереса к этой мудрой игре в нашей стране. Он стремился доказать, что шахматы – не пустая забава; они могут стать делом всей жизни, настоящей профессией. Чтобы показать шахматы в самом выгодном свете и привлечь внимание просвещенной публики, Чигорин в течение десяти лет издавал, в основном за свой счет, журналы «Шахматный листок» (1876-81) и «Шахматный вестник» (1885-87). Он был там основным, а порой – и единственным автором. Излишне говорить, что эти ярчайшие образцы русской шахматной мысли давным-давно уже стали библиографической редкостью.
Современный читатель избалован обилием шахматной литературы. Однако без исторической ауры, обволакивающей творческую сущность шахматиста, наш внутренний мир был бы гораздо беднее. Издательство «Русский шахматный дом» совершает настоящий подвиг, давая возможность каждому познакомиться с нашим бесценным шахматным, историческим и литературным наследием. Приятно отметить, что роскошное, элитное исполнение данного четырехтомного издания не имеет аналогов в мировой шахматной литературе.
Анатолий Карпов,
многократный чемпион мира -
20.69 $
The book tells about the chess way of Grandmaster Alexandra
Goryachkina. The reader will learn about how a young athlete from chess
remote provinces successfully went to storm the most prestigious tournaments,
won the children's championships of Russia, Europe and the world, then entered
in the adult national team of the country and has achieved the greatest successes in the process
professional chess.
Authors share the secrets of successful workouts from Alexandra
and her parents, suggest what problems can expect young
talents on the road to success. The book provides many details
commented on chess pieces, revealing the creator Grandmaster’s image.
For a wide range of chess lovers. -
66.00 $
The collection of 5 chess books for the price of 3:
1. An Aggresive Opening Repertoire for the Club PlayerAuthor: Nikolai Kalinichenko
Language: English
Publisher: Moscow, Russian Chess House, 2007
230 pages
Nikolai Kalinichenko, an international grandmaster in correspondence play and the author of some 40 chess titles, presents here a complete and up-to-date opening repertoire. It is intended for players of a attacking style, or for use when the competitive situation demands an aggressive approach. The repertoire is based on 1 e4 as White, and the Sicilian Dragon and Leningrad Dutch as Black. Suggestions are also offered against all the opponent's main alternatives. Also available is the companion volume A Positional Opening Repertoire for the Club Player, offering a range of openings which are closely linked, but which are less forcefull in character.
2. A Positional Opening Repertoire for the Club Player
Author: Nikolai Kalinichenko
Publisher: Moscow, Russian Chess House, 2007
Binding: Hardcover
Language: English
Publisher: Moscow, Russian Chess House, 2007
240 pages
Nikolai Kalinichenko, an international granmaster in correspondence play and the author of some 40 chess titles, presents here a complete and up-to-date opening repertoire. It is intended for players of positional style, or for use when the competitive situation demands a solid approach. The repertoire is based on 1 e4 as White, and the Classical Sicilian and King's Indian Defence as Black. Also available is the companion volume An Aggressive Opening Repertoire for the Club Player, offering a range of openings which are closely linked, but which are less forcefull in character.
3. Kings gambit
Author: Nikolai Kalinichenko
Book series: Chess University
Language: English
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: Moscow, Russian Chess House, 2009
347 pages
This book by Nikolai Kalinichenko, an International Grandmaster in correspondence play, gives a systematic analysis of the King's Gambit using more than 300 annotated games, classic and modern, providing the reader with a sound knowledge of all the standard variations, together with their typical strategic and tactical ideas.
4. Play 2...Nf6! in the Sicilian
Author: Grigory Bogdanovich
Language: English
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: Moscow, Russian Chess House, 2009
291 pages
On the map of modern chess theory there is a 'blank spot' - The Nimzowitsch-Rubinstein Variation of the Sicilian Defence (1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nf6) Everyone has heard of it, but no one really knows anything about it. The literature devoted to this topic is extremely scanty. Two or three articles, a few brochures, one ancient monograph (in German) - and that's all. The book of international master Grigory Bogdanovisch fills this gap. The author, a recognized expert on the Variation, has summarized and fully systemized his many years of experience in the given field. His views are subjective - but this is what makes them valuable. His conclusions are paradoxical, but they, so to speak, 'grab' the reader and do not leave him indifferent. You want to argue with him, but - and this is the main thing! - his presentation of the Variation makes you want to study it and play
5. English Defence
Author: Ilya Odessky
Language: English
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: Moscow, Russian Chess House, 2007
270 pages
This book is devoted to the paradoxical opening 1.d4 e6 2.c4 b6. By playing 3.e4 White immediately wants to punish the 'disturber of the peace' for his neglect of opening principles, but in this case Black sets his opponent such a variety of mines and traps, that he can gain an advantage, even omitting the equalising stage! At the present day the statistics after 3.e4 is appalling for White: in 7 out of 10 games he suffers defeat! The author, not relying on his own store of words, constantly hides behind the ckassics, citing them right and left. Characters form world literature and even departed personalities strive to take an active part in the analysis of variations.
14.48 $
The book you hold in your hands & mdash; & laquo; Deferred batch & raquo; & mdash;
somewhat unusual detective, written by a chess player, accustomed
calculate long options both at the board and in life. Action it
begins on the Caucasian Mineral Waters, and the inhabitants of this
In the region, some of the author’s hints can be understood, recognizing features or actions familiar faces. In this story are intertwined and confused
mutual relations of the oligarch, his assistant, two journalists, general
militia, actress, archeologist, who have to solve riddles
suddenly faded diamond rush, participate in the filming of the movie
about Lev Isavra, the future emperor of Byzantium, who lived in the eighth
century in the North Caucasus six years & hellip; -
37.24 $
The last tournament triumph of the great Russian chess player Mi-
Hail Ivanovich Chigorin & mdash; a brilliant victory in III All-Russia
skom tournament that brought together all the color of domestic chess. Chigorin
not only won the tournament, but was also the main author in the preparation of
next track tournament collection.
The book, published in 1904, was with love and very high quality. Officially published for its time, illustrated with photos
and a separate group portrait of participants on coated paper.
The success of the book contributed not only to its worthy design
and a bright analytical work of Chigorin, but also a markedly increased class
domestic masters.
The legendary compilation of the III All-Russian tournament has long become a great
orally inaccessible bibliographic rarities. Thanks to this & nbsp; reprint edition printed on a special paper with a print run of & nbsp; 500 copies, you have the opportunity to become acquainted with our invaluable chess, historical and literary heritage. & Nbsp; -
16.55 $
Photos on coated paper. Preface A. Lilienthal. The third world champion Kh. R. Capablanca in the mid-1930s experienced a second youth and played lightly and with inspiration. The Moscow tournament of 1936 brought together almost the entire color of world chess, but the brilliant Cuban was unstoppable. Like the supertournament itself, the collection of all its parties with detailed comments by its participants - Capablanca, Botvinnik, Flora, Levenfish and other grandmasters and masters rightfully occupied a prominent place in the history of chess. After all, bright ideas do not grow dull with time, and there is a lot to learn from the great masters of the last century. For a wide range of chess lovers.
22.76 $
The book contains 1000 selected popular chess etudes, & nbsp; characterized by easy construction, ingenious and effective solution, excellent form. The author of the collection, the 14-time world champion in chess composition, an international grandmaster, not only leads the decisions, but also tells about the history, theory, themes of the modern chess composition, famous compilers of the past and present. The book is also a kind of reshebnik (answers & mdash; at the end of the book!), With which you will improve your tactical vision and hone the technique of calculating options.
For a wide range of chess lovers. -
27.24 $
The first Russian world champion Alexander Alekhin went down in history not only as the winner of many tournaments and matches and the creator of hundreds of masterpieces of chess creativity. He is also widely regarded as one of the most distinguished analysts of all time. Alekhin’s comments are distinguished by depth and objectivity, a clear statement of the prisoners in the position of ideas. In this edition for the first time collected ALL the party Alekhine with the author's notes. Many of them are currently available only in old journals, some have not been published in Russian before. Editorial notes take into account the achievements of modern computer analysis.
34.48 $
Author & mdash; outstanding writer, historian, doctor of political sciences. After graduating from the Institute of Red Professorship, he worked in the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), was in the center of the political life of the USSR of the 30s. "Technology Technology" & raquo; & mdash; one of the most famous and popular books in the world about the functioning of the Soviet machine of power. & laquo; For me, Abdurakhman Avtorkhanov became a great teacher on how to write books & raquo ;, & mdash; Victor Suvorov. Cover: Bulganin N. A., Bukharin N. I., Khrushchev N. S., Beria L. P., Malenkov G. M., Molotov V. M., Stalin I. V., Lenin V. I., Kalinin M. And
9.11 $
Fourteenth world champion Vladimir Kramnik is a prominent representative of the classical trend in chess. His work harmoniously combines a subtle understanding of position, immaculate possession of combination weapons and perfected endgame technology. The 30 games of V. Kramnik, presented in this book and commented on by grandmaster S. Guliyev, will give readers a great aesthetic pleasure. For educational purposes, the parties are divided into thematic sections, each of which is provided with a brief introduction
9.11 $
World champion Magnus Carlsen is the undoubted leader of modern chess. Unlike most of the strongest grandmasters of the 21st century, the Norwegian goes its own way, relying not on the “slaughter” & raquo; computer preparation of the debut repertoire, and the ability to play the original positions of the mittfiel and fight in the endgame to the last "patron". Being an adherent of the positional style, M. Carlsen has a remarkable combinative imagination and feels the dynamic resources of the struggle perfectly.30 M. Carlsen's games included in this book will give the readers considerable aesthetic pleasure and will be an excellent school of modern chess. divided into thematic sections, each of which is provided with a brief introduction.
9.94 $
In the book of Professor N.Vaizman, N.P. for the first time in the popular science form, the problems of medical and psychological control in chess sport are substantiated. Describes altered states of consciousness leading to the loss of the seemingly won position and game, as well as other paradoxes of the chess game. Disadaptation and neurotic reactions of chess players, vascular disorders, as professional pathology of persons of mental labor are recorded. Electrophysiological studies of the brain during the game, the effects of doping and hypnosis in chess are considered. Psychiatric and psychotherapeutic recommendations are given. Other chess issues from medical-psychological positions are also discussed. The book will be interesting not only to qualified chess players, coaches, judges, teachers of chess at school, organizers of competitions, sports doctors and psychologists, but also parents of children involved in chess sports, as well as a wide range of chess fans.
24.83 $
Full color printing. On coated paper.
Chess & mdash; the royal game that the chess king will teach you & mdash; world champion Anatoly Karpov. You will learn about the manners and habits of the figures, learn how to attack energetically and coolly defend yourself. You will get acquainted with many tricks and traps that can be put to reckless opponents and, last but not least, learn how not to get into them yourself. Having traveled through the pages of this book, you will prepare for your first chess battle with the help of a great chess player & mdash; against mom or dad, friend or computer, on the Internet or at a competition. The book will allow your child to easily learn the rules of the game, helping him to win not only in chess, but also in life. After all, chess develops perseverance, logical thinking and memory, teaches rational use of time. According to this textbook, teachers, trainers or parents can even teach children the basics of a wise game, even with minimal chess preparation. the game.
28.80 $
The vast majority of opening guides
are written for adult readers. This
book is also devoted to the theory
but it is junior.
The structure of the book is
simple and attractive: openings are
examined using examples from actual
games, each of which is presented
in the form of a lesson with its own
name. Several such lessons form an
opening theme, and the examination
of each theme concludes with exercises.
In each opening, attention is
drawn to its characteristic tactical
and strategic ideas of combinations for independent
solution strictly corresponds to the
opening theme. Written in clear and
easy language, the book is furnished
with a large number of diagrams. Colored
explanatory arrows on the diagrams
and the selection of individual
pages with a colored background
make the book easier to understand.
Regular work solve two problems:
deepen the student's knowledge and
develop his tactical vision, thus improving
his skill and results. -
16.55 $
Champion of the World Chess Olympiad, two-time champion of Ukraine, grandmaster Andrei Volokitin and honored coach of Ukraine, who educated 13 grandmasters, international master Vladimir Grabinsky prove that the greatest reserve in the improvement of a chess player is laid in development
own thinking.
Perfectly selected material, exclusively fresh examples (all of them are taken from the games played not earlier than 2000) will bring a lot of pleasure and benefit to any qualified player or coach. Instead of repeating banal truths, the authors will surprise the reader with a scattering of original finds.
This book, published in five languages, has received rave reviews from many grandmasters. The work contains examples from the practice of international grandmaster A. Volokitin, in which even the author, one of the strongest grandmasters of Ukraine, was not always able to find the optimal solution. Typically, this
the key moments of the parties, in which the right decision does not lie on the surface, and this is where the practical workshop differs favorably from other books of a similar orientation.
After reading this book, you will undoubtedly significantly increase the strength of your game.
This book is a revised and revised edition of the previously published book "Tutorial for geeks & raquo; -
30.00 $
Vsevolod Kostrov is a chess coach of the highest category. Author of more than 100 books and manuals on chess.Educational and methodical complex Kostrova (textbooks for children, reshebniki, workbooks)publishing house "Russian Chess HOUSE" became the Winner of the contest "Chess universal Education of Russia".These are the best chess books for children in our country today!According to textbooks and problem books Kostrova engaged in a huge numberyoung chess players who then win various tournaments,they become masters and grandmasters.Part I: 2000 Chess Exercises. Pin, Double AttackTutorial. Pin, Double Attack 1-2 rank, 1700-2000 Elo. This collection of chess tasks and combinations is the continuation of the series "theatre company". You have matured, so and tasks have become harder. This collection presents two themes: Pin, Double Attack. A rare chess game does without these tactics. Both the Pin, Double Attack can be met in the early debut and in the deep endgame. Any piece, even a king and a pawn, can strike twice. But especially dangerous are the Queen and the horse, which can "work" in eight directions at once! And how difficult it is sometimes to get rid of the ligament, which you are ready to inflict elephants and rooks of the enemy. We hope that our book will help you turn these dangerous techniques into their good allies.Part II: 2000 Chess Exercises. Divertion, DecoyTutorial. Divertion, Decoy. 1-2 rank, 1700-2000 Elo. Before you is the 2nd collection of chess problems and combinations in the Tutorial for Dischargers series. Here are two themes: DIVING AND ATTRACTION. Distraction is a well-known technique in many sports games. Imagine that there are two strikers for the football goalkeeper. The first distracts the goalkeeper to himself and gives the ball to the second, who calmly rolls it into an empty net. This tactical technique is also used in chess, when it is necessary to distract any figure from the protection of an important field or another figure. With the help of the tactic "enticing" you can force the opponent's figure to take a position that is unfavorable for her, in which she dies. This technique is especially effective in relation to the king. Enticement is often used with a double strike, a bunch, and other tactics.Part III: 2000 Chess Exercises. Chess CombinationsTutorial. Chess Combinations. 1-2 Rank, 1700-2000 Elo. The 3rd book of the series “Chess exercises” will enrich you with more sophisticated tactical weapons. It is not always possible to reach the king using brute force. Try to act trick! Disguise your actions as a scout and act like an experienced diplomat. Find a weak spot in the camp of the enemy and at the right time destroy the defense and apply a thin dagger strike. Alien figures can become allies. By skillful maneuvers, draw the opponent's pieces to their king, let them block him so that he cannot move, and at that moment deliver the decisive blow. It is bad when all the pieces of your opponent interact perfectly. Try to drive a wedge into their orders - block them with a solid chess door. Is the enemy attack on your fortifications terrible? Should I go into a defensive defense? Always look for counterstrike. A thin intermediate shot can change the course of the fight! If your figures huddle in a small space and prevent each other from reaching the king of the enemy, decide who is time to attack the royal fortress and free your space for an attack. King must always be protected first. Use this circumstance and make an open attack on him and other figures. And then the millstone of your "mill" will grind all the enemy army. It would seem that the king of the enemy is securely covered by his retinue. But under the powerful x-ray beam of your linear figures in the position of the opponent you will immediately find cracks and holes!Part IIII: 2000 Chess Exercises. Chess EndingsTutorial. Chess endings. 1-2 rank, 1700-2000 Elo. 1-2 Klasse. In the last, the 4th “Chess exercises”, we collected the basic model positions of chess endings, which you need to know as the multiplication table. And so that it was not boring, they added interesting examples from the games of champions and amazing sketches of famous chess composers. In the endgame, the victory most often comes to the more experienced and knowledgeable. All world champions have repeatedly stressed the need to study the endings. V. Smyslov advises young chess players to pay special attention to the endgame. H.R. Capablanca believes that the ability to play the ending is a prerequisite for practical success. And “the grandfather of Russian chess” A. Petrov argues that to be able to play an endgame means to be able to play. We have no doubt that, having solved all the tasks from this book, you will love simple positions. And then build a chess "bridge", "square" and "ladder" will not be for you any difficulty. And at the right time - you will be able to drive the enemy into zugzwang. At the end of the game you will surely meet all the tactics studied in the first three books.
- Antique pre-revolutionary wooden chess 187.50 $
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- DGT Judit Polgar Set of Figures in a Box with a fixed Board (Judit Polgar) 812.50 $
- DGT Walnut Chess Board (55х55 cm) 300.00 $
- Judit Polgar Deluxe Wooden Chess Board (55х55 cm) 325.00 $
- Electronic chess clock DGT 2500 187.50 $
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- Chess electronic clock DGT 1002 BONUS 82.50 $
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- 87.50 $