Книги автора:
26.57 $
Две книги по цене одной: 1) Дебют ферзевых пешек (том 1). 2) Дебют ферзевых пешек (том 2). 1)В этой книге многое сделано впервые. Впервые (по крайней мере на русском языке) дан подробный и качественный анализ системы Вересова. Впервые карта мин и ловушек в "садово - парковом" гамбите Блэкмара-Димера предстанет перед читателем в полном формате, без купюр. Оригинальная идея Литвиненко также не осталась без вдумчивого и кропотливого анализа, выносимого на читательский суд. От читателя по большому счету требуется только одно: желание. Желание избежать заезженных вдоль и поперек схем ферзевого гамбита, желание попробовать что-то новенькое. Прочь, шаблонная игра! Если таковое желание есть - первый том монографии "Дебют ферзевых пешек" станет незаменимым помощником на пути к яркому творческому эксперименту. И победам! 2)Классика классике рознь. Есть классика музейная, наподобие тех мертвых языков, которые все еще изучают, но на которых уже никто не говорит. А есть классика живая, вечно обновляющаяся; есть "языки", на которых каждое следующее поколение "говорит" по-своему, обогащая и передавая своим потомкам. Шахматы в целом и теория дебютов в частности не являются исключением из общего правила. Дебютные системы, названные в честь Цукерторта, Торре, Колее, были актуальны сто лет назад - и не потеряли своей актуальности доныне. Сильнейшие гроссмейстеры нашего времени проверили их "лазерным лучом" мощных компьютерных программ. Ненужное отбросили, полезное закрепили, сделав пригодным для массового изучения и использования. Об этом - второй том монографии "Дебют ферзевых пешек". Дебюта, который не устареет никогда.
29.94 $
The price include postage and packing.
For more than thirty years Anatoly Karpov has been wholly committed to the Classical Variation of the Caro-Kann at top tournaments, including world championship matches. It goes without saying that many successful opening novelties employed by the venerable world chess champion are the result of painstaking work performed by him and his seconds. One of his assistants, Mikhail Podgaets, was the leading specialist on the Caro-Kann. For many years Karpov and Podgaets held their findings in strict secrecy. Only now has the time come to shed a ray of light on their thorough research. This publication focuses on the currently most popular system of the Caro-Kann (1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3. Nc3 de 4. Ne4 Bf5). Once you crack open this book you’ll explore the path taken by Karpov and Podgaets, step by step, move by move. This is the path of groundbreaking discoveries and stunning victories.
20.04 $
Classic classics are different. There is a museum classic, like those dead languages that still smell, but on which no one speaks. And there is a classic living, always renewing; There are & quot; languages & quot; in which each next generation & quot; says & quot; in its own way, enriching and transferring to its descendants. Chess in general and the theory of debuts in particular are not an exception to the general rule. The debut systems, named after Zuckertort, Torre, Kohle, were relevant a hundred years ago - and have not lost their relevance until now. The strongest grandmasters of our time tested them with a "laser beam" powerful computer programs. Unnecessary discarded, useful fixed, making it suitable for mass study and use. This is the second volume of the monograph "The Debut of Queen's Pawns." Debut, which will never become obsolete.
6.91 $
Attacking the name of the remarkable chess player Carlos Torre is usually associated with the development of the initiative for the king by f2-f4 or by attacking the queenside with b2-b4. The great contribution to the territory and practice of the option was made by the ninth world champion Tigran Petrosyan. Actual ramifications of this system are often found in modern tournament practice of large chess players. -
20.00 $
At the very beginning of our acquaintance with chess, we realize how much depends on the first moves. Already in the early stages of the game, both players have a huge number of opportunities - the head is spinning! How not to go astray to an inexperienced chess player, how not to get stranded when leaving the native harbor, on which lighthouses to stay on? All these and many other questions are answered by the book that you hold in your hands. Your companions - the multiple world champion Anatoly Karpov and the grand master, the author of more than 40 books, Nikolay Kalinichenko - will always point the right way. For children of middle and senior school age.
29.38 $
At the very beginning of our acquaintance with chess, we realize how much depends on the first moves. Already in the early stages of the game, both players have a huge number of opportunities - the head is spinning! How not to get off the path of an inexperienced chess player, how not to run aground on leaving the native harbor, what beacons to keep the course? All these and many other questions are answered by the book that you hold in your hands. Your companions - the multiple world champion Anatoly Karpov and the grandmaster, the author of more than 40 books, Nikolai Kalinichenko - will always point the right way.
9.94 $
At the very beginning of our acquaintance with chess, we realize how much depends on the first moves. Already at the early stage of the game, both players have a huge number of opportunities - the head is spinning! How not to get off the path of an inexperienced chess player, how not to run aground on leaving the native harbor, what beacons to keep the course? All these and many other questions are answered by the book you are holding in your hands. Your companions - the multiple world champion Anatoly Karpov and the grandmaster, the author of more than 40 books, Nikolai Kalinichenko - will always point the right way. For children of middle and senior school age. * There is also a second volume. http://chessm.ru/nachalnyj-kurs-debyutov-tom-2/
11.17 $
At the very beginning of our acquaintance with chess, we realize how much depends on the first moves. Already at the early stage of the game, both players have a huge number of opportunities - the head is spinning! How not to get off the path of an inexperienced chess player, how not to run aground on leaving the native harbor, what beacons to keep the course? All these and many other questions are answered by the book that you hold in your hands. Your companions - the multiple world champion Anatoly Karpov and the grandmaster, the author of more than 40 books, Nikolai Kalinichenko - will always point the right way. For children of middle and senior school age.
10.76 $
At the very beginning of our acquaintance with chess, we realize how much depends on the first moves. Already at the early stage of the game, both players have a huge number of opportunities - the head is spinning! How not to get off the path of an inexperienced chess player, how not to run aground on leaving the native harbor, what beacons to keep the course? All these and many other questions are answered by the book you are holding in your hands. Your companions - the multiple world champion Anatoly Karpov and the grandmaster, the author of more than 40 books, Nikolai Kalinichenko - will always point the right way. For children of middle and senior school age. * There is also the first volume. http://chessm.ru/nachalnyj-kurs-debyutov-tom-1/
12.00 $
At the very beginning of our acquaintance with chess, we realize how much depends on the first moves. Already at the early stage of the game, both players have a huge number of opportunities - the head is spinning! How not to get off the path of an inexperienced chess player, how not to run aground on leaving the native harbor, what beacons to keep the course? All these and many other questions are answered by the book you are holding in your hands. Your companions - the multiple world champion Anatoly Karpov and the grandmaster, the author of more than 40 books, Nikolai Kalinichenko - will always point the right way. For children of middle and senior school age. * There is also the first volume. http://chessm.ru/product-1030055/
My chess career
Capablanca 5.50 $ - Germany. Porcelain chess set - in historic style. 3250.00 $
Mikhail Tal. All parties. Volume 2. 1963 - 1972
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Mikhail Tal. All parties. Volume 1. 1949 - 1962
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Chess. Fundamentals of the theory. (Artistic Exclusive Leather Binding) Art - (eb)
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Japanese chess shogi
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Chess composition in Azerbaijan / Азəрбаjҹанда шаhмат композисиjасы
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Check it out for you, reader
Yatskevich 15.00 $ - Notebook of the chess player of the Russian Chess Federation 4.25 $
Lessons of Mastery. Second edition, revised
Dvoretsky 18.75 $