Книги автора:
28.80 $
The price include postage and packing.
The book is distributed in all countries, except Europe.
There are different kinds of classics. There are museum classics, like those dead languages, which are still studied, but which no one any longer speaks.
And there are living classics, which are constantly being renewed; these are ‘languages’ which every succeeding generation ‘speaks’ in its own way, enriching and passing them on to their descendants.
Chess in general and opening theory in particular are no exceptions to the general rule.
The first volume gives a detailed and high-quality analysis of the Veresov Opening, the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit, the Levitsky Variation and other set-ups.
The second volume is devoted to the London Variation and openings named in honour of Zukertort, Torre, Colle and others.
In general only one thing is demanded of the reader: a desire. A desire to avoid well-trodden opening set-ups, and a desire to try something new.
Do away with routine play! If you have such a desire, this two-volume work will become an indispensable assistant in your aim for creative experiments.
And for victory!
13.40 $
There are different kinds of classics. There are museum classics, like those dead languages, which are still studied, but which no one any longer speaks.
And there are living classics, which are constantly being renewed; these are ‘languages’ which every succeeding generation ‘speaks’ in its own way, enriching and passing them on to their descendants.
Chess in general and opening theory in particular are no exceptions to the general rule.
The first volume gives a detailed and high-quality analysis of the Veresov Opening, the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit, the Levitsky Variation and other set-ups.
The second volume is devoted to the London Variation and openings named in honour of Zukertort, Torre, Colle and others.
In general only one thing is demanded of the reader: a desire. A desire to avoid well-trodden opening set-ups, and a desire to try something new.
Do away with routine play! If you have such a desire, this two-volume work will become an indispensable assistant in your aim for creative experiments.
And for victory!
20.04 $
In this book, much has been done for the first time. For the first time (at least in Russian) a detailed and qualitative analysis of the Veresov system is given. For the first time, a map of mines and traps & quot; garden and park & quot; Blackmar-Diemer's gambite will appear before the reader in full format, without cuts. The original idea of Litvinenko also did not remain without a thoughtful and painstaking analysis submitted to the reader’s court. From the reader, by and large, only one thing is required: desire. The desire to avoid jaded along and across the schemes of the Queen's Gambit, the desire to try something new. Off, template game! If there is such a desire, the first volume of the monograph & quot; Debut of Queen's Pawns & quot; will become an indispensable assistant on the way to a bright creative experiment. And victories!
8.64 $
This book opens a series of issues from six books of the Chess Library Books, dedicated to the debut of queen pawns. According to the authors, to play this debut, you need to know it and - to love! -
6.91 $
Lovers & quot; have fun & quot; at the chessboard, it is proposed to get acquainted with one of those & quot; curves & quot ;, & quot; frivolous & quot; debuts that will not meet in a world championship match.
8.64 $
All serious analyzes of the Veresov system in the debut of the queen pawns refer to the “precomputer era”. It was widely used in the second half of the last century, but now games at the grandmaster level are very rare. And, as the authors write in conclusion, still little is known about this debut and there is still little that is clear about it. -
6.91 $
These classic variants, which do not claim a big opening debut, but extremely poisonous in practice, have safely survived to our time and are widely used in tournaments of various levels: from amateur to grandmaster. -
8.64 $
This release of The Chess Player's Library is dedicated to options emerging after 1.d4 d5 2.Kf3. In the first chapter, the answer is 2 ..... Kf6 "under ban", in the second, continuation 2 ...... Kf6 3.Cf4 is considered, in the third - 2 ...... Kf6 3.g3. -
24.83 $
For over thirty years, the defense of Karo-Kann has served Anatoly Karpov faith and truth in the biggest competitions, including matches for the world championship. But behind many successful debut finds of the multiple world champion - laborious work not only him, but also assistants. And among them - the chief expert on the protection of Karo-Kann Mikhail Podgaets. For many years, Karpov and Podgayts' investigations remained absolutely secret, and only now is the time to open the veil. This volume is devoted to the most popular system to date in the defense of Karo-Kann: 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Kc3 de 4.Ke4 Cf5. Having opened this book, you will pass - consistently, step by step - all the way through which Karpov and Podgaets walked. This was the path of great discoveries. And victories.
50.00 $
For over thirty years, the defense of Karo-Cann has served Anatoly Karpov as faith and truth in the biggest competitions. But behind many successful debut finds of the multiple world champion - laborious work not only him, but also assistants. For many years, Karpov and Podgayts' investigations remained absolutely secret, and only now is the time to open the veil. The book immerses us in the secrets of option 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5.
My chess career
Capablanca 5.50 $ - Germany. Porcelain chess set - in historic style. 3250.00 $
Mikhail Tal. All parties. Volume 2. 1963 - 1972
Khalifman 60.00 $ -
Mikhail Tal. All parties. Volume 1. 1949 - 1962
Khalifman 60.00 $ -
Chess. Fundamentals of the theory. (Artistic Exclusive Leather Binding) Art - (eb)
Maiselis 250.00 $ -
Japanese chess shogi
Nosovsky 75.00 $ -
Chess composition in Azerbaijan / Азəрбаjҹанда шаhмат композисиjасы
Sarichev 62.50 $ -
Check it out for you, reader
Yatskevich 15.00 $ - Notebook of the chess player of the Russian Chess Federation 4.25 $
Lessons of Mastery. Second edition, revised
Dvoretsky 18.75 $