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    The Caro-Kann defense is one of the most popular modern openings, which is firmly included in the repertoire of most elite chess players. The author of the book, a well-known grandmaster and theorist, offers a full repertoire for black in response to 1.e4, explains in detail the main strategic ideas of each option and gives the exact order of moves, offers a number of novelties in current schemes. In each chapter, alternative plans for black are considered, so that the reader can make a choice according to his taste, and it was more difficult for the opponent to prepare. Much attention in the monograph is paid to correspondence games in which players use all the achievements of modern technology. All analyses during the work on the manuscript are checked on powerful computers. Carefully selected positions for the solution will help the reader to consolidate the acquired knowledge. The 2nd edition supplements the section with the 10 most interesting current parties. The book is addressed to chess players of any level – from amateurs to professionals.  

    21.67 $
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    21.67 $
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    The book by grandmaster and experienced coach Alexander Galkin is  the final link in a series of publications by the author, directed  to study the classical endgame using examples of modern games   grandmasters. This time the subject of the study – light piece endgames. Clarification of the methodology for working on this stage of the game, as well as the main features and methods of playing such endings. Examples  taken from the practice of modern grandmasters and dated back to 2020-2023. The author offers the reader the most recent and unique information. The material is structured in such a way that the reader can get the maximum  benefit from studying the examples offered by the author  queen endings and its  other derivatives. The book is aimed at advanced chess players, is useful for coaches and can be recommended to a wide range of chess fans

    18.33 $
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    The set consists of the book Chandler M. Chess for Children (gift edition) and the hero of this book - Marty the dragon (Dragon is the symbol of 2024). LEARN CHESS with the Very Big Dragon Marty! Using this entertaining book, your child will quickly and easily learn to play chess – the world's most popular strategy game that develops logical thinking. The rules are explained clearly and clearly, step by step, from scratch. The lessons reinforce the fun conversations between the boy Petya and his favorite dragon Marty, who calls himself the Very Big Dragon. In many countries, chess is recognized as a useful means of developing creative thinking in children. Although they are considered a complex and even mysterious game, the rules are quite simple. It doesn't take long to understand how the pieces move, and even a five-year-old child can enjoy chess. And children really like to beat their friends and relatives! Enlarged format (210x290 mm) The cute green dragon, the symbol of 2024, symbolizing strength, generosity, courage and endurance, is the hero of the book, which explains the rules of the chess game. The dragon has a suction cup, and you can use it to hang the toy on a glossy surface, on a window or refrigerator. Made of soft fabric,  has a height of 20 cm and a length of 26 cm.

    27.33 $
  • The size of the board when folded is 35x17.5 cm. The size of the board when unfolded is 35x35 cm. Cage size is 3x3 cm  King height 6.6 cm. Base diameter 2.2 cm. Pawn height 3.1 cm. Base diameter 2 cm. Backgammon - checker 2.1 cm. Weight 830 g. Includes backgammon chips and dice Chess board and backgammon chips can be used to play checkers Manufacturer Poland

    148.00 $
  • Magnetic road chess: folding board-case made of artificial leather, tablet-figures with a convex image. Wallet size 19x22 cm. The playing field is 15.5 x 15.5 cm. Cell 2x2 cm.

    51.72 $
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    The book by grandmaster and experienced coach Alexander Galkin is dedicated to the strongest piece on the chessboard – to the queen. Using the example of episodes from games of modern grandmasters (the vast majority of games date back to 2020-2023) and his own grandmaster practice, the author tries to generalize, and in some places even clarify the methodology for understanding and playing queen endings, as well as other types of endgames with the presence of queens ) On the desk. The book presents various ratios of material – “queen against queen”, “queen and minor piece against queen and minor piece”, “queen and rook against queen and rook”, “queen against two rooks”, “queen against rook and pawns”, “ queen against a rook and a minor piece”, “two queens against two queens” – practically the entire spectrum of encountered endgames of this type. The material is structured in such a way that the reader can get maximum benefit from studying the examples of queen endings and its other derivatives offered by the author. The book is aimed at advanced chess players, is useful for coaches and can be recommended to a wide range of chess fans.

    18.33 $
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    16.67 $
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    This new book by the many-times world champion Anatoly Karpov and the author of more than fifty books, grandmaster Nikolay Kalinichenko, is devoted to one of the most complicated and strategically deep openings & mdash; the Queen's Gambit Declined. Using games played by the strongest grandmasters, it describes the interesting ideas which have appeared in the main development systems of this opening. Along with games from recent years, the book presents the most important encounters from the chess heritage. And of course, it includes games by Anatoly Karpov himself & mdash; a great expert on the Queen's Gambit, who generously shares with the reading his unique understanding of the concepts involved. The book is aimed at strong players, but it will also be of interest to a wide range of chess enthusiasts.

    36.00 $
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    The book by grandmaster and experienced chess coach Zenon Franco includes 36 instructive attacking games and is divided into four chapters - the king in the center, one-sided castling, opposite-sided castling, and attack-defense-counterattack. Before each game, the opponents are introduced, and a brief description of the events that took place in it is given. Based on the results of the struggle in the game, lessons that are useful to learn from what has been read are listed in a concise form. The book is not overloaded with variations, the emphasis is on detailed explanations in the "move by move" format, which creates an ideal platform for studying chess. At the "support" points of each game, the reader is offered test questions, which helps both the practical study of key chess techniques and the reliable assimilation of the acquired knowledge. Questions and answers involve the reader in the learning process and help him track the growth of his chess strength. For a wide range of chess fans.

    19.00 $
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    15.72 $


    The classic work of an outstanding Swiss doctor Maxi- miliana Bircher-Benner, where G. Shelton, P. Bragg studied, M. Goren and many other well-known naturopathic doctors, gives an exhaustive a vague answer to the question of how to be healthy, eating properly. & quot; Diet Bircher-Benner, as our observations have shown, increase- the amount of potassium in the patient’s body reduces sugar and cholesterol, activates the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats & quot ;, & mdash; wrote A.Zal- mans, using Bircher-Benner’s technique as the basis of his health systems regarding nutrition.

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    11.00 $


    The classic work of an outstanding Swiss doctor Maxi- miliana Bircher-Benner, where G. Shelton, P. Bragg studied, M. Goren and many other well-known naturopathic doctors, gives an exhaustive a vague answer to the question of how to be healthy, eating properly. & quot; Diet Bircher-Benner, as our observations have shown, increase- the amount of potassium in the patient’s body reduces sugar and cholesterol, activates the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats & quot ;, & mdash; wrote A.Zal- mans, using Bircher-Benner’s technique as the basis of his health systems in terms of nutrition. This is an e-book, a link to which will be available in your account after payment.

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    15.72 $


    In order to be healthy, you need not so much: proper nutrition, a few simple exercises, mood. The author of the book, journalist Maya Gogulan, will tell about these health components. This is the story of a man who himself went through a disease and was able to find a way out. The health system of the Japanese engineer Katsuzo Nishi helped to get Maya Gogulan to his feet, and her books have helped hundreds of people in our country and abroad to get acquainted with this system and also find health. In the book you will find a description of Niche exercises, detailed tips on selecting foods and diet, recipes for treating certain diseases, tips for maintaining mental health and good mood. A special chapter in the book is about healing cancer.

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    17.80 $


    Maya Gogulan is a real authority in the field of a healthy lifestyle. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world have been living for many years, guided by the advice of Maya Fedorovna. The secret of the effectiveness of the Gogulan system is based on personal experience: it coped with a deadly disease. She coped, relying on the rules that she deduced in the process of studying the work on the health of talented scientists, checking for themselves each of their positions. As a result, a set of rules has been created that help people live according to the laws of Nature itself. Here is a new edition of the classic work of Maya Fedorovna. In this book you will find recommendations that will show you the fastest and most simple way to health: simple gymnastics, sleep and rest, nutrition. As a result, your body will receive a powerful energy charge, many diseases and ailments will recede, youth and mobility will return. And for those who suffer from chronic ailments, in this book Maya Fedorovna gives unique recommendations for the treatment of about 50 of the most common diseases. This publication is not a medical textbook. All medical procedures must be agreed with your doctor.

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    7.66 $


    If your goal is health and rejuvenation, then eating according to the laws of Life is not difficult at all. Compliance alone can cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, rejuvenate cells, reduce weight and restore metabolism.

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    7.24 $


    Why are we eating? To receive energy and fill your body with the energy of Life. Unfortunately, in modern society, this simple truth is understood by a few. As a rule, we eat (and choose food) to have fun, treat ourselves to something delicious, or simply pay tribute to the habit & ndash; we cook in the way our parents did, as is customary. Stop! Such food in 99 cases out of 100 is contrary to the laws of Life, it not only does not carry energy, but also cripples the body. In this book, Maya Gogulan simply and convincingly shows how the five most popular products & ndash; sugar, salt, milk, meat and cereals & ndash; lead to serious illnesses. But here you will find not just a story about the products & laquo; dead & raquo; and & laquo; living & raquo ;. This is also a guide to action, a specific program that will allow you to switch to a new type of food as painlessly as possible & ndash; Nutrition according to the laws of life. You will learn how to replace non-useful foods, what other foods to watch out for, how to cook and eat what you have chosen.

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    6.67 $


    Why is a person sick? Because blood circulation is disturbed. Org- we don’t get food, harmful substances and slags do not remove on time- Xia. So says a journalist, writer, courageous woman & mdash; Maya Go- gulan. In this book, she talks about five exercises that are very quickly restore blood circulation and cleanse the body. It is these five exercises helped her up from her hospital bed, saved her when the doctors shrugged. Five exercises are available and can- elderly, healthy, and even seriously ill people. The book contains material from lectures, articles, seminars and interviews Maya Fedorovna. This is her story about herself, about five exercises, their fulfillment opinions, answers to the most frequently asked questions and invaluable personal- author’s experience.

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    10.76 $


    & nbsp; Violation of blood circulation, clogging of small vessels - capillaries leads to an imbalance throughout the body. It is very easy to get sick, it is enough to move a little and eat poorly. But it is just as easy to get rid of the disease: you just need to slightly change your life. This book tells about five exercises that very quickly restore blood circulation and cleanse the body. It also provides invaluable nutritional advice. & nbsp;

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    15.72 $


    & nbsp; Here is a book compiled as a result of transcripts of the seminars of the famous Maya Gogulan. A woman who was on the very brink between life and death, but who had the courage not to cross the fatal line. In this she was helped by will, faith and mind. The experience of this amazing woman's recovery is in her books. This book contains answers to 150 questions about the healing system followed by Maya Gogulan and hundreds of thousands of her followers. These answers will help everyone who follows the Path of health, everyone who wants to live a long time will be interested. & nbsp;

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    9.11 $


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    7.45 $


    Arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, salt deposits & ndash; these diagnoses are familiar to very many, and not necessarily to the elderly. Why are diseases of the spine and joints so common? Why are they not even sparing the young? The answers to these questions & ndash; in this book. Maya Gogulan & ndash; a person familiar to millions of readers from books, seminars, radio and television appearances, & nbsp; & ndash; will tell you how we open the doors ourselves '' diseases by diet and lifestyle. And he will not just tell, but give advice. Very simple, effective, accessible to absolutely everyone. You will learn what to eat, what herbs and infusions will relieve pain and inflammation, and what exercises will help restore youth and mobility. All health laws for joints and spine are collected in this book.

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    4.50 $
